Sunday, June 14, 2009

Down!!! But not Out!!!

Over the last month my life has been a mess. I have been struggling and now am on the precipice of being defeated. This month has tested both my faith and mind in many ways. To really explain how I got to this point we have to go back to last summer and the beginning of last fall. To a time in my life that I can only describe as complete twitterpation as Bambi describes it. Complete and total bind love for a girl named Kahla. This continued until on a fateful Halloween night in which my heart was torn in half and trampled on. This left me in complete and total depression which crippled me for the rest of the year and continues to affect me even today from time to time as wounds like that don't heal quickly or fully heal at all for that matter. Now lets move to some more recent history... about a month ago I was involved in a car accident that basically totaled my car leaving me car less if it weren't for my generous aunt who is allowing me to use their KIA. However this is only for a time and trying to find a new car that is both functional and affordable is not fun. In other areas of my life I am also being attacked vigorously as I have both forgotten about and been late for work at Anthony's 4 times this month :(. My personal life has not been exempt from this barrage of attacks by the devil as I am struggling with being lonely and wanting a relationship with someone. This has been magnified by my desire to seek that relationship with more then one person. All this gets topped off by being caught up in so many lies that sometimes its hard for me to distinguish what is truth and what is fiction. I feel like two different people. On one side I have my body and its desires and one side I have my spirit and its desires and at one time I am my body and at another time I am my spirit but the two never come together as one. Its kinda scary and its tearing me apart. I now stand here finding myself in sins and going how did I end up here only to fall right back into the sin later that day. I feel as if I have no control over myself anymore and certianly no control over my situations. The only comfort I get nowadays is in writing and singing. Everything else is empty. I am a slave to my sexual desires right now and I feel as if I can't get out of this hole. Everytime I am close to steping out I fall all the way back to the bottom and right now I am down and I have the choice: stay down and just countinue in this sin and let it rule my life or get up and with God's help conquer this sin once and for all. I know this is something that I can't do alone because of the countless failed attempts to do it on my own. So now I am asking for help. This is my cry for help! Just as we talked about this morning in Fun Zones at CTK when Peter took his eyes of Jesus and began to sink in the rushing water that he was standing on. He called for help and Jesus grabbed him and helped him back to his feet and now that is what I must do so now I cry: "JESUS PLEASE HELP ME! Even though I don't deserve it, PLEASE SAVE ME!" But this is not just a cry to Jesus I am also asking you my friends to help me and to keep me accountable. I have been blessed with amazing friends but I all to often fail to use them because I let my pride get in the way. I am so focused on what people think of me that I won't ask for help even when its what I need the most. So here I am DOWN!!! But not OUT!!! (QUE: ROCKY MUSIC) HAHA :D


  1. I'm definitely praying for you buddy. One question: what do you do saturday mornings? you should join steven's small group of guys who meet for the same problems you have.

  2. well I am usually sleeping because I work late friday/early saturday :(
